This is a collection of information about the man, Kumen Jones

and his two wives, Mary Nielson and Lydia May Lyman.

Born in 1856, Kumen lived most of his days in the small town of

Bluff City, Utah, which he helped settle.  He was a missionary, pioneer, 

explorer, cattleman, husband, father and saint.  

Find herein photos of him and his family, selected letters he penned,

 articles written about him,  and his personal writings.


Mary Nielson
3 Oct-1858 -- 28 Feb-1933
Married:  19 Dec-1878

Kumen Jones
5 May-1856 -- 11 Jun-1942
Died at age 86

Lydia May Lyman
1 May-1865 -- 17 Apr-1906
Married:  2 Dec-1882

Author's Note
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